Friday, May 16, 2014


I know I've been away for a very long time. I would start out by writing posts, then delete all my drafts. April was a hard month for us and we're only just getting over it. So much so that I lost my knitting mojo. I'd sit with the same unfinished sweater next to me, work a few stitches, then give up.

I've never been so slow to knit before. I guess sometimes knitting isn't therapy.

On to the FO, then. This one was finished ages back, but I never got round to writing about it. Mainly because of inertia-- why blog when its easier not to? Also my mods didn't quite work out like I had imagined.

I love how to top half of the sweater fits. Its like it was made for me- oh, wait, it was.

Now the bottom half, I wanted to make longer than the pattern and also try to give it an A-line shape. To that effect, I went up a needle size and made several increases on the sides. I'm wondering if I should have made increases all round to get more of a skater dress effect. In reality, I sbhould have started the increases sooner. Oh well. You live and learn.

I chose not to knit the cowl that the pattern calls for. I really liked the boat neck.

Still the color is very me and it does fit well. Maybe too well around the tummy!

Pattern: Francis revisited
Yarn: Knit Picks Brava worsted, wine colorway
Needles: 5.5 mm, 6 mm, 6.5 mm

Sharing this post with FO Fridays, Fiber Arts Friday and Creative Friday. (Linking up anyway even though Tami and Natural Suburbia are yet to add their posts!)


  1. I think the subtle A-line shape looks good, the colour is gorgeous :) Sorry you had a bad month, hope your knitting mojo returns

  2. I love the color and it's a beautiful sweater.

    Your face made me laugh in the last photo. ;-)

    I've had that knitting mojo disappear on me once or twice. For me the best thing was to let go of my expectations and go do some other things. After a time, I started looking at patterns again.

    Hope things are on the upswing for you guys.

  3. Sorry to hear there's been a rough patch. I hope it is all better now. Love the color and it's a cute sweater. Remember, we are our very best own critics. Most important, do you like wearing it, does it feel good on? That's the best measure of success. The only thing that would drive me crazy is the rolling hem. I hate rolled hems!!!

  4. I love this sweater! Beautiful color and shaping. Here's hoping that the blahs of April are past you and your May and June are fabulous!

  5. That deep wine color looks wonderful on you! I also like the length of the sweater...perfect with tight jeans and leggings. Missed reading your posts, but I can totally relate to the blogging inertia. Trying to get back into blogging more myself.


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